Education Services
Calling all educators! Have a big unit coming up and struggling for resources to support it? WBRL is here for you!
Benefits for you and your students through Educator cards, library tours for your class, and online resources.
Support for Educators
WBRL supports learning and educational goals for students of all ages and works with educators to support their students' journeys through the Alberta curriculum.
Educator Services
- Educator library cards are free and created for classroom use and teaching support.
- Classroom Collection orders and courier/library staff delivery services available as part of Educator services related to an Educator card
- Easily apply for an Educator card online. Educator cards will be created in 2-3 business days and can be sent by courier to your school. If you have any questions, please email
- Limited to educators employed at Centre-Nord, FMPSD, FMCSD, Northland School Division No. 61, Parkland School Division (Fort Chipewyan, Keyano College, and other educational institutions including accredited homeschools and daycares.
WBRL educator cards are available for all educators within the Wood Buffalo region, including educators employed at FMPSD, FMCSD, Centrenord, Northland School Division No. 61, Parkland School Division (Fort Chipewyan campus only), Keyano College, Accredited Daycares and other educational institutions (including certified homeschools).
To encourage access and awareness of the public library resources for students, WBRL offers free library cards for all students through their classroom teacher.
WBRL can provide a classroom teacher with an electronic student library card application form to print and distribute to their students.
Students under the age of 16 must take the form home and have it completed and signed by parents/guardians.
Teachers can collect the completed forms, scan and send by email to Staff will create cards for the students within 10-14 days and deliver them to the school for the classroom teacher to distribute to students.
Library cards are free and allow access to all of our physical (books, media, video games, kits, etc.) when students visit the library, as well as access to all of our online resources (including eBooks and educational resources such as SOLARO).
WBRL staff can visit your school/class to promote literacy and to showcase our collections and online resources. All sessions are free and can be tailored to suit the specific needs of the classroom or event. To schedule a visit please contact
With an educator card, teachers can request a number of titles to supplement their classroom library, focus on a topic of study, or materials for a specific age group using the Classroom Collection Request form. WBRL will drop off the materials to the school and pick them up when the class is finished with them. Visit our Educator page for more information.
Classroom Collection Order
Place a Classroom Collection Order
Homework Help

Exam Proctoring services are available each Wednesday evening! Your pre-booked exam will be supervised by a Library Invigilator and held in a quiet room along with several other exam takers.
In-Library Tours
Tours can be tailored to suit the interests and variety of ages, grades, or groups.
Types of Tours
Mini-Tour: 20-30 minutes
Includes: Read-aloud, Tour of the Library, Active Learning Experience
Full Tour: 45-60 minutes
Includes: In-depth Tour of the Library, Read-aloud, Active Learning Experience, Take-Away Craft, Scavenger Hunt
For more information, please contact

Community Visits
We also offer community visits to schools and educators throughout the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. Library staff will visit to talk about library cards, services and resources available, and a craft or activity!